A wedding of an acquiantance is going to be held some time soon. You are now thinking of what gift you should give the newly wed. But do you know that there are gift giving wedding etiquette
? Yes, there is such a thing. If you are contemplating on giving cash as a gift, read on first the gift giving cash wedding etiquette before you do such a move.
Gift Giving Cash Wedding Etiquette Fact 1:
If a guest who receive an invitation can't make it to the wedding, they are not obligated to send gifts and much more cash gifts. Wedding etiquette dictates, however, that those who are unable to attend should send a congratulatory card for the groom or for both couples or a simple best wishes note to the bride.
Gift Giving Cash Wedding Etiquette Fact 2:
Cash gifts
Gift Giving Cash Wedding Etiquette Fact 3:
Giving cash gifts are not a violation of wedding etiquette. Couples need cash as a start up money for them. They need to rent a new apartment, bigger than their bachelor pad, if any of them has one, buy toiletries and groceries for the two of them, buy appliances and furniture that the two of them needs. These are just few among the many expenses that a couple would face in the first few months of their marriage which is why gift giving cash is a good idea to do and does not violate any wedding etiquette.
Gift Giving Cash Wedding Etiquette Fact 4:
So how much should you give if you decide to give the couple cash as a gift?
It is a horrible idea that the amount or price of one’s wedding gift
Gift Giving Cash Wedding Etiquette Fact 5:
Also, don't stop yourself from giving cash gifts if the couple has listed their preferred wedding gifts
So, the gift giving cash wedding etiquette fact # 5 is that you can give cash gifts eventhough the couples have a wedding registry.
Here are gift giving cash wedding etiquette
Wedding registries are gaining popularity these days. But there are limitations on how much the bride and groom may direct gift giving. Gift giving cash is a wedding etiquette violation. You should not tell your guests that you prefer cash than gift items or request donations in cash to pay up a mortgage or ask them to give you cash to fund your honeymoon or that gift giving cash is preferred because you will send the money to charity.
Whether you like it or don't asking for gift giving in cash will make you look greedy, even if you claim that the money will go to charity. Also, your guests will fell less generous.
Gift giving of cash is an option to guests. They may opt to give cash as a wedding gift but wedding etiquette
If the bride and groom receive cash from guests, accept it and say your thanks, write them a thank you note the way you would do after opening a gift item.
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